028 2544 2510
028 2544 2510


If you are an NHS or Private Healthcare Provider with urgent or upcoming nursing or healthcare staffing needs, please get in touch with eileen@knockdene.co.uk

At Knockdene HealthCare, our philosophy is embodied in our slogan: quality care you can trust. But this is much more than a slogan; at Knockdene, we hold these values of trust, quality, professionalism and respect at our very core.

Our promise to you, our clients, is to provide you with caring, experienced staff, quickly, efficiently and cost effectively, affording you and your patients the service and standards you expect and deserve.

With over 20 years of experience in healthcare and recruitment, we understand your needs and are committed to working in partnership with you to achieve them. We will continuously strive to provide a premium service, making ourselves available 24/7, 365 days a year, helping you with short-term and long-term placements, last-minute or in advance. Our rigorous pre-employment compliance and background checks on all nurses and health care assistants (HCAs) who join our agency will ensure they have been recruited to the high standards and in line with all relevant legislation.

We currently can provide Nurses and HCAs to:
NHS Trusts
Private Healthcare Providers
GP surgeries and treatment rooms
Nursing and Residential Homes
Occupational Health Departments
The range of staff will be able to work in a wide variety of settings, depending on their skills and qualifications. As well as general nurses, we can also provide specialist and mental health nurses.

We operate robust monitoring systems, which allow us to continually evaluate and improve our services. Risk management, audits, compliance and clinical governance are at the forefront of our organisation, giving our clients and staff confidence when working with us.

Contact our Healthcare Manager, Eileen today or call us on 028 254 42510 or 07516 726 400, where we will be happy to talk you through our service and match you with a suitable candidate.

View our
Statement of Purpose & Service User Guide

Our full policies and procedures are available on request.