028 2544 2510
028 2544 2510

About Us

Our Mission

Quality care you can trust
Our logo is the butterfly, the embodiment of gentleness, compassion and positive change. This is the ideal emblem for our nursing agency that strives for the same goals in our provision of care.
Welcome to Knockdene HealthCare, a fresh, new healthcare recruitment agency supplying temporary and permanent registered nurses and healthcare staff to health and social care providers throughout Northern Ireland. Managed by Ciara Osborne (Registered Nurse Manager) and her sister Eileen McCann (Healthcare Manager), Knockdene is a family business that holds the values of trust, quality, efficiency and respect at its core.
With over 20 years’ experience in healthcare and recruitment, the management of Knockdene HealthCare is committed to working in partnership with both healthcare staff and healthcare providers alike to deliver a superior service that is professional, value-for-money, ethical and dignified.

Our Aims and Objectives

To provide a high quality, cost effective service through recruiting nurses and healthcare assistants (HCAs) who are suitably qualified, competent and experienced to undertake the activities for which they are employed and responsible
To ensure all care is delivered in accordance with the requirements of our clients and their patients, treating them with dignity and respect at all times
To provide our services 24-hours a day ensuring that we can successfully meet the needs of our clients and staff
To promote equality and diversity amongst our workforce
To ensure all staff receive appropriate training and development
To implement all our policies and procedures in order to ensure quality, minimise risk and maintain compliance with all legislative requirements including the Nursing Agencies Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005 and Nursing Agencies Minimum Standards 2005 DHSSPS
We believe our service is stronger with input from our clients and staff and will continually seek their feedback on how we can enhance and improve our services

Meet The Team

Put a name to a face and meet a few of the team that make Knockdene HealthCare tick!
Ciara Osborne
RGN, MBA in Health & Social Care Management
Ciara has over 30 years’ experience working in the health service: 20 years in hospital trusts as a sister and staff nurse and ten years as a senior nurse in performance management and service improvement at the Health & Social Care Board.
Eileen McCann
CIPD Certificate in HR Practice (Level 3)

Eileen has worked in the field of Healthcare Recruitment for 21 years for two privately owned nursing agencies playing a key role in setting up and overseeing the growth of their business.
Laura Kirk
Compliance/Training Manager
Sophie McKinstry
Senior Healthcare Consultant
Courteney Cox
Senior Healthcare Consultant
Tricia Alexander

Read our statement of purpose

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